Monday, July 16, 2012

Worship Together

Why can we even worship? How do we have access to God? Do we even need other people? The writer to Hebrews answers these questions in Hebrews 10:19-25. His argument has been building that Jesus Christ is much better than anything in the old Mosaic Covenant. He, in fact, fulfills this covenant and initiates the New Covenant. Let's see where he goes with this argument.

First, the author describes why we can draw near to God. Jesus has opened the way to God through his blood. We can actually enter God's presence with confidence because of Jesus' work. The way he opened is new because it is different from the Old Testament way into God's presence and living because the Resurrected Lord is the one who has led the way. His flesh is viewed as the curtain through which is God's presence. Finally, Jesus is our great High Priest. He represents us before God. He offered the sacrifice for our sin. We have access to God because of what Christ has done.

When you think about how this would have been taken by the Jews at that time, it would have been a big deal. Under the Old Covenant, the high priest could only enter the Holy of Holies only once a year. He had to bring blood with him and there were certain ceremonies attached to his going before God to offer atonement for the nation of Israel. Access to God was extremely limited. Jesus opened the way to God that any believer can approach him. This is because Christ offered atonement that paid for all the sins of believers and they have been cleansed and declared righteous by God. We can now have fellowship with God like never before.

Second, the writer shows us how we are to draw near to God. We must come to God with a true heart and be fully assured of the faith. Our hearts should be sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed. Does this point to baptism? I don't think so since the author is using so much imagery from the Old Covenant. What the Old Covenant pointed to, Christ fulfilled. What was outward symbolic, ceremonial cleansing in the Old Covenant is real, inward cleansing in the new. We must approach God by being really cleansed from our sin.

Third, we must approach God in hope. God has promised us great things. All the proceeding argument is true for the believer. God has richly blessed those who believe on his Son. This give us hope that we will be admitted to his presence in heaven. We have hope that there is something beyond this life. If we want to please God, we must believe what he has promised and trust him. You see, we can't please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6). God's promises rest on his faithfulness. God will never break his word.

Fourth, we must help each other. God has not made Christianity to be something we do on our own. It is made to be lived out in community. The writer tells us to spur each other toward love and good works. The word used here can also be used of something that is an irritation. It is used in a good sense here. We should provoke each other to do good. In order to do this we must meet together. Attendance at church is not something we just check off but something vital to our spiritual well-being. We need other people. Other people need us. We can both encourage and be encouraged by other people especially as times get nearer the end.

What does all this mean for us? You have the privilege of entering God's presence. This is also a responsibility. Will you worship God and pray to him? Take advantage of this great opportunity. Also, you have the responsibility to other believers. Will you meet with them and encourage and spur them on?

If you are interested in viewing this sermon it is on Youtube at

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