Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Worship in Heaven

Could you imagine if we could see God every time we worshiped on Sunday? That would truly be an awesome experience. I think our worship would take on a more serious and joyous nature if we actually saw God seated upon his throne every Sunday morning. Yet, John the Apostle did see worship in heaven taking place and he wrote about it for us in Revelation 4:1-5:14.

When we come to this passage, we see John having a second vision. The first occurred when he saw the resurrected Christ in his glory and wrote letters to the seven churches at Christ's dictation. In this second vision, he saw a door in heaven and is called to go up. He did this in the spirit. John saw a throne with someone seated upon it. The one sitting there looked like the precious stones of jasper and carnelian. There was a rainbow around the throne that looked like an emerald. Then John saw twenty-four thrones and twenty four elders upon these thrones. They had white clothes and golden crows on their heads. These crowns were not the crowns of a ruler (diadema) but of a victor (stephanos). From the throne John saw lighting and heard rumblings like thunder. He saw seven torches which symbolized God the Holy Spirit. These torches were not indoor lamps but outdoor torches and could symbolize going to war. Before the throne there was the sea of glass like crystal. Some see this as symbolic of God overcoming evil since the sea could be seen as the chaotic home of evil but others see it as representing God's omniscience. Around the throne John saw four living creatures. They were full of eyes and each had different characteristics. One looked like a lion, one like an ox, one like a man, and one like an eagle in flight. They also had six wings which were also full of eyes. These types of creatures are seen in Ezekiel 1 and 10 and also in Isaiah 6. This scene in heaven would make anyone stop in awe. We should realize who it is we are worshiping. We are in the presence of the High King of the Universe. Know who it is you are worshiping. 

The four living creatures worshiped God. Specifically they say, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!" They praise God for his holiness. God is utterly separate from sin. He cannot be stained with it and he must punish it. God is also separate from his creation. As creator he is so much different from his creation that he even commanded that Israel should not represent him with any image of any created thing (Exodus 20:4-6). They praised God because he is all-powerful and eternal. Their praise was based upon God's attributes. If we are to worship God rightly, we must know him. We must study the Bible to know about God and even know what to worship him for.

Whenever these living creatures give praise to God, the twenty-four elders fall down before the throne and cast their crowns before God. They praised God because he is worthy of praise. They listed what he is worthy to receive as glory, honor, and power. The reason God is worthy is because he created and sustains all things by his will. God is worthy of our praise. We owe him everything including our existence. We must praise God because he deserves it. We can praise God because of what he has done.

When we come to the fifth chapter we are treated to another scene in heaven. John sees God holding a scroll, sealed seven times, in his right hand. An angel asks who is worthy to come and take the scroll. No one steps forward and claims it. John weeps because no one has come. This scroll represents the deed to the earth. If one would take it, they would take ownership of the earth and overthrow Satan. An elder told John to stop weeping because the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David was worthy to take the scroll. John looked and saw a Lamb looking like it had been slain. It had seven horns (complete power and authority) and seven eyes which were said to be the Seven Spirits of God. Seven is the number of completion and is shown to be the complete and full Holy Spirit. Christ completed his work in the power of the Holy Spirit. This Lamb took the scroll. 

When Jesus Christ took the scroll the living creatures and elders fell down in worship. The elders each had a harp and a bowl full of incense which is the prayers of the saints. They sang a song to the Lamb praising him that he is worthy to take the scroll. He is worthy because he gave his life so that he could ransom many people from every tribe, language, people, and nation. These had become a kingdom and priests of God and they will reign on the earth. They praised Christ because of his work. Another thing we can praise God for is what he has done for us. He sent Jesus Christ to die in the place of sinners so that those who put their faith in him would be forgiven of their sin and saved from punishment from God. We can praise Christ for his great work on our behalf.

Then John saw that many angels joined in the worship. They praised Christ for his worthiness to receive power, wealth, wisdom, might, honor, glory, and blessing. Christ was worthy to receive this praise because of his work on the cross. Then John heard every creature everywhere praise both God the Father and Jesus Christ.

What can we learn from this scene of worship? I think we can learn many things. First of all, we must know who God is if we are to worship him accurately. The more we know about God the more reason we will have for worship and the more content our worship will have. So, we must study our Bibles so that we can know more about God. Also, we can praise God for what he has done both as Creator and Redeemer. We owe him our praise and worship. Will you worship God?

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