Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Genesis Part 3: Made In God's Image

God made man in his image. What does that statement mean to you? Does it give you hope that you really do have some form of dignity and are not just a really smart monkey? Does it change the way you treat other human beings who may be mentally disabled?
That God has made us in his image is a biblical fact in Genesis 1:26-27. What makes this discussion difficult is that the Bible does not explicitly state here what that image is. We looked at three different theories on what this image is: the substantive, the relational, and the functional. Ultimately, the image is a part of us, not just something we do. Therefore, I believe that the image of God is substantive, or a part of the person, and that this leads to relationship and the function of dominion over the earth. What then is this image? It is how human beings are like God. We have emotion, intellect, and will. We can mirror God somewhat with some of his attributes. Some theologians call these the "communicable attributes." God is love. We can be loving. God is all-knowing. We can have knowledge. You get the idea. This image separates us from the animals.

Next, we see God's provision in Genesis 1:28-31. He blessed the human couple with procreation and provision. They would be able to carry out God's mandate to fill the earth and subdue it when they were fruitful and multiplied. God was gracious in his provision. Adam and Eve lacked nothing. All was well. In fact God pronounced his creation "very good."

Finally, we come to the seventh day. On this day God rested and sanctified this day. It is the basis of the command to keep the Sabbath. God rested from his work. So should we. We should follow his example and take rest and take time for worship.

So, image-bearer, what will you do? Will you respect other humans because they too were made in God's image? Will you realize your dignity over the animal creation because of how God made you?

If you would like to see this sermon, it is available here.

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