Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Article for Hayes Center Times Republican #1

This is an article which was put in the December 16th edition of the Hayes Center Times Republican.

What does Christmas mean to you? To some it is a time for family and gift-giving. To others it is a time of pain remembering those who have left us. Christmas can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. For us, Christmas is a time to remember the greatest gift ever given. God sent His Son to be born of a virgin into our world. The Creator became a helpless baby, born into a stable with a feeding trough as a crib. God’s greatest gift to man was given at Christmas. God, Who must be just and judge sin, also loved man. Jesus Christ is the solution to God’s justice and love. God’s great gift of His Son provided forgiveness of sin for those who would believe in Him. Since Jesus took the punishment for sin, God’s justice has been satisfied. He has promised that those who put their faith in Christ, believing that His death paid for their sin and that God raised Him from the dead, will be forgiven, but only those who believe. Bethel will be celebrating this great gift on Wednesday, December 22nd at 7:00 pm at our Candlelight Service. Please join us!

Luke Wolford, Pastor, Bethel Baptist Church

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